Wednesday 11 June 2008

Analysing the online Buzz around the US Candidates

Jeremiah Owyang -- Senior Web Strategist at Forrester Research -- posted some interesting graphs that analyse the buzz around the presidential candidates in the US. Using various free social media tools, he recorded some data using tools early June, that look at keywords on twitter, as well as ‘traffic’ to websites of the presidential runners.
"...I rarely place much weight in any single use of these tools, but there is a clear trend towards Obama getting a great deal of activity. Is this telltale to the future? I’m not sure..."
I really like the examples he comes up with and you should definitively visit the original post here. One example I'll give you here below

Now he makes the comment on how one always end up what you pay for (basically his examples are all tools that are free) he and I share at least one thing in common (and I mentioned it also in a previous post here) those researchers who seriously think they'll be in the business of delivering added value to clients must be familiar with these new types of graphing research results and we should all make an effort to seriously think how these tools can be improved so that they'll be of added value to our customers.

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